Welcome To Old West Armory

When you buy from Old West Armory you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home.

You are helping a little girl get gymnastics lessons, a little boy gets Jiu jitsu lessons, a mom and dad put food on the table, and our family pay our mortgage.

Our customers are our shareholders, and they are the ones we strive to make happy.

We do not want to just make a generic item someone buys impulsively. But we try to focus on creating unique functional works of art. We hope every thing we make will be a prized family heirloom and create as much happiness as it brought us as we created it.

As a professionally and traditionally trained artist the transition into leather has been rewarding and challenging but the dream is to see my custom works seen with the same regard as a fine oil painting on canvas commissioned by a master painter

Russell Gdula


Ecclesiastes 3:11 ESV –

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

“Making something beautiful takes time. Art is not an immediate return on investment. Art takes time to produce. When you buy art you are purchasing a part of the artist time, and something there soul touched .”